Compact Media Converter (MCT Series)
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MCT Series
Compact Media Converter
MCT series is compact media converter which support from 100Mbps to 1000Mbps fiber Ethernet.
This series is around 40% smaller product than the CVT series. And This series realize lightweight and electric power saving also.
MCT series has various model which can satisfy the user demand such as speed, extension distance, media conversion, management and so on.
MCT series can bring reduction of the initial introduction cost and maintenance, management cost to all of network operator.
Product List
MCT series has various models which convert traditional twisted-pair RJ-45 cable into various fiber media including single-mode, SC connector, bi-directional WDM, or a SFP slot for pluggable fiber transceiver, extending transmission distance for the deployment to the household, apartment or campus.
The combination of MCT and MCT-RACK-18 series brings remarkable cost reduction and space saving to the customers. Models of MCT series are similar to the those of CVT series but smaller and lighter than latter. Converters can be installed into MCT-RACK-MGM racks and therefore be easily monitored and configured by network operators.
Equipped with 10G data transmission capacity designed to fulfill the ever-increasing demand for higher bandwidth which is essential for traditional Internet service and premium service alike
No more complex, error-prone configuration prior to deployments, and maximum device compatibility in system integration
Dual Rate Fiber
Automatically sense and adjust the fiber speed when changes are made in the network environment, and so facilitate a longer lifespan of the product
Power Down Trap
Notify NOC when power is shut off and so save the cost of deploying human resources for troubleshooting
Power Redundancy
Transition to the other redundant power module if either of the power sources is down
Dual Image
Safeguard against permanent system crash from firmware upgrade failures
Signal Loss Alarm
Provide optical signal loss management for media converters
Link Alarm
Alert users to connectivity issues as copper and fiber optic interfaces are designed to be link-interdependent. Link down on either side will result in the other's disconnection