Feldkirch is the second largest city in the westernmost Austrian federal state of Vorarlberg on the border of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. The meaning of “Stadtwerke” in German means the utility company of the city and the area around the city. A “Stadtwerk” (like Stadtwerke Feldkirch) is usually responsible to supply the local population and business with electricity (energy in general), water, public transport, and other public interests. Some of them are as well providing tele- and data communication services to people and businesses in the area. In order to deliver high-quality services, they never stop looking for solutions with stable and long-lasting performance.

CTS´ CCT-CHASSIS converter solution was developed in 2005 and consists of a 16-slots chassis with different Ethernet converter modules. All slide-in converter modules are hot-swappable and they are enabling “In-Band” management for the local as well as for the remote converter. All 16 Connections of the 19-Inch Chassis are manageable through a single IP-Address. Functions, such as remote loopback test, power down trap, and bandwidth control have been standard features since the product solution has been developed. This solution not only extended the connectivity distance (up to 80km) but also allowed flexible adaptation for future requirements and changes.
“Today we are decommissioning the chassis in our server room. I just had to send you this screenshot. The chassis has 13.4 years of uptime! Big compliment to CTS for that!”
Gumilar Siegfried, Head of Telecommunication,
Stadtwerke Feldkirch