Meet Robin Taylor, owner of Zetta Connect. We met him in 2021, after he was recommended to us by another client of ours. From this point, the partnership between Zetta Connect and CTS has grown with new insights and great opportunities for both of us.
Robin started Zetta Connect 5 years ago. Zetta Connect is the bridge between the property owners and internet providers: they are building ethernet networks in office buildings, for landlords. On request from the property owners, with a focus on smart buildings. The main idea is a proper fibre-based network which connects office spaces in a building. When a new tenant moves into a building – Zetta Connect plays a fundamental role. Their products are ready to make internet connectivity easier. The tenant just has to select which ISP they want and then, the internet connection will be up and running often within a day. It’s a plug and play-service, based on switches from CTS.
Robin at Zetta Connect explains how CTS’s products facilitates their work:
– We can avoid a bit of the legal cost and time it usually takes to implement the fibre in a building here in the UK. Without our solution, it is common that it takes up to 6 months to get fibre to an office. The time saving here is significant. Thanks to our service, it gets much easier and quicker for the tenants to get connected to the internet. Often within a day after the implementation of the network is done by Zetta Connect and CTS’s products, Robin says.
At the core of the solution, Zetta Connect typical puts a fibre optical switch from CTS with 10G capabilities. It works as a local distribution switch, which makes sure every office space gets the traffic capacity they should at the right SLA. For smaller properties, they normally install a 12-port switch with four 10G-ports and eight 1G-ports. This gives them perfect flexibility for a decent price. For larger buildings, they use a 28-port-fibre-optical switch from CTS.

When any technical issue occurs – Zetta Connect describes the process as they always get directly linked to the right technical expert. Always with the correct support and technical knowledge.
– The method we use saves both money and time for all involved parties. As well as enabling the freedom of choice for the tenant. No waiting for wayleaves, no technicians pulling cables every now and then, no lock-in effects and no discussion on who-is-responsible. Also, this gives a huge flexibility in the type of connectivity a tenant can get (from Wavelengths to only Wi-Fi access), Robin tells us.
Zetta Connect specializes in building networks that are truly efficient and sustainable. In the near future, Robin and Zetta Connect want to add more intelligence to the modern day workplace. CTS’s industrial switches come with Power over Ethernet (PoE) capability, making them ideal for controlling ventilation and heating or cooling systems in buildings. Moreover, Zetta Connect’s expertise in this area allows the landlords an efficient system that will keep operational costs in check while ensuring superior performance.
By continuing with investment in this smart network and system, the clients of Zetta Connect save time and money down the line. Their work gets much easier as well, when it comes to operation costs. With advanced features such as CCTV cameras, lightning controllers, and BMS (Building Management System) controllers, the property is given unprecedented access to intelligence and optimization. And that is something Zetta wants to continue with.
– I’m looking forward to see what the future work with CTS will consist of. Our main focus forwards will be to develop more smart buildings. This is where CTS will be our helping hand, with components that fit this opportunity. We are happy to make this happen together with CTS, Robin ends.
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